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Crystal Island Wholistic

Eco Wellness Retreats

Come together on our magical Crystal Island to deeply relax and let nature rejuvenate your heart and mind and amplify your hearts unique intuitive guidance and wisdom.

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Imagine swimming, snorkelling, paddle boarding, kayaking, journaling, reading, painting or just practicing the powerfully healing lost art of doing absolutely nothing.


Enjoy a massage or facial in a balmy breeze under a canopy of trees.


Let me support you to generate powerful self healing with a personalized wholistic eco wellness program tailored to your specific intentions and preferences.


I combine science based eco therapy, meditation, energy balancing and breathing practices to help bridge the heart mind connection and improve your body’s natural ability to heal wholistically through greater heart brain coherence, emotional resilience, deep inner calm and intuitive receptiveness.


On our retreats the choice of what you do is absolutely yours and we encourage you to follow your heart’s intelligence in each moment to feel into what's right for you. 


As we navigate these times of great change the continuously growing demands of life can consume our energy and disconnect us from our hearts, each other and the world around us. We often put on a brave face while underneath we feel confused, stressed or exhausted.


Crystal Island Retreats are designed to help you step completely out of the consuming demands of your life.


From the moment you arrive the raw beauty and bountiful healing gifts of nature that abound on Crystal Island help you feel a deep sense of relaxation. This drops you straight into your heart, drawing you deeper into the peace of your true inner essence, the comfort of your innate intuitive awareness and the joy of your inspired creative nature.


We only have 3 retreats left for this season and they are booking out fast so use the contact page to connect with me now to secure your spot.

Our Sioux chef will prepare all of your meals using local organic traditional Fijian cuisine.


The menu we offer has been mindfully crafted to support your body to detox, ground and reset itself. 


The intention of this retreat is to empower you on all levels; physical, mental, emotional and spiritual so you can return home refreshed by a deep sense of self love, appreciation, inner abundance and with a heart full of renewed enthusiasm for your adventure as the dreamer, creator, visionary and inspirer you came into this world to be.



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