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Inspirer of the Crystal Island Dream


Aisake was a school teacher in Fiji for 30 years. His long held retirement dream was to welcome people from all over the world to his beloved family Island to experience the true essence of Fiji, his people, their customs and

culture and the warm hearted Fijian hospitality he was so proud of.


His vision, our passion for helping share the essence of Fiji and countless inspiring mystical occurrences has kept the Crystal Island dream alive through many challenging years. 


Sadly Aisake passed away before seeing his dream come to fruition.


With his brother Naqau and the dedication and creativity of David our Island Ops Manager and many of our Fijian family we continued to hold Aisake's dream in our hearts.


To honour his memory and vision the original house is now completely restored and updated and the whole Island has been nurtured back to life by many loving hearts and hands.


And at last we can invite you to be the guests of his Crystal Island dream coming true.



Josie Goldberg

Your Retreat Facilitator


In 2012 through what I can only describe as a profoundly mystical life changing experience I was invited into the Crystal Island dream.


I remain in awe of the powerful healing presence I experienced on the Island and feel deep appreciation for the gentle guidance and sense of belonging that has remained with me since.


Nature, love and a knowing that all is well abound in this magical place and it fills my heart with bliss to be able to invite you to your own experience of this.


My name is Josie. I was born in Sydney, Australia and have had the great joy of being a Wholistic Wellness Coach for 40+ years.


I was blessed to be born to an inspirational mother who was light years ahead of her time and a grandfather whose mystical insights gave me invaluable tools for navigating life. 


My Mum raised me by the principles of The Natural Health Society. The founders of the Natural Health Society were pioneers of wholistic health in the 60's with the now popular understanding that supporting the whole being initiates the bodies innate self healing response. After being diagnosed with cancer and being told she had 2 months to live my Mum had a spontaneous healing and lived for another 20 years.


My Pop cultivated my curiosity about the deeper mysteries of life and introduced me to the works of great thought leaders like James Allen, Dale Carnegie, Edgar Cayce and books like A Course In Miracles, 


I am eternally grateful to my Mum and Pop for the wealth of health and wisdom I gained from this early education. Their guidance  formed the foundation of my own life, my career as a coach and the incredible opportunities and experiences I’ve been blessed.


My coaching career has allowed me to live in amazing places all over the world and work closely with a rich diversity of people who have each inspired deep personal  introspection, contemplation, understanding and compassion and so many insights into our human experience of health, wealth, relationships and life.


I bring to your Crystal Island Retreat the culmination of the many approaches to wholistic wellbeing I have gathered over the years but what I am most excited to share with you is the heart expanding experiences that gathering together in this special place will inspire.


So about me....


My dedication is to uplifting and transforming lives by empowering our innate capacity to self heal.


My passion for co-creating a more loving, caring and inclusive world is infused into every moment of your stay on Crystal Island. My heartfelt intention is for the continued realization of your heart’s intelligence, wildest dreams and ever evolving and expanding infinite human potential.


I invite you to retreat from the busyness of your world and come co-create the world we are each uniquely heart dreaming in for ourselves, each other and the world to be.


From my heart to yours,



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